3-Can you tell us about the connection with Capleton recording the for the track "You Get what you want"? One of our favorites of the project!! My connection with Capleton is divine...and he is like a God father to me ...so all is blessed... Yes ...I am working on a new album which is about to take over the world ....which called ???still undecided...we have made our minds up yet... 5-What do you think about the african reggae? Arican Reggae is the Future ...as we all know ...there is time for every thing and its Africa Time NOW... |
6- What do you remember about the reggae scene in the beginning in Ghana? Can you tell us some differences of that culture and what you see right now? The reggae scene in Ghana is still growing ..the difference is Ghana...and this is the West ....Different worries to sing about .. The new generation of reggae artists is strong .. Just like History repeating its self..... Every thing happen for a reason ...and every thing is here for a purpose ...Like the Sun by Day and the Moon by night....we are in the times digital networks are the only for an artist to get their music out to the public.
10-Do you listen latin reggae music? Yes...I do...its nice! 11-What music do you like or recommend of Ghana? I like all Ghanaian music...and I recommend them all.. 12-What are your inspirations in this actual time? What inspires me in this time ...of How money has taken over Mankind heart and Soul ...How the system uses the innocent ones to get what they what ...How War has become Breakfast for the so called leaders....How Mankind has destroyed the Earth for their own greed and needs....I can go on and on ...But I say this inspires me to write good songs for the Soul .... so Watch out for the new Album... 13-What are the best places you have alive show done? Every I go, has been the best places, has been the best shows cause the music is for the people..... 14-Maybe a 2014 tour in southamerica? Please!! Yes it would be a Blessing to come to South America ..For where the people call me ...That's where I be... 15-We has one funny question for everybody: What do you have in your bag/backpack (it means “Moochila” in spanish)? Cds and Books.... 16-We invite BLACK PROPHET to write a few words to your fans in the world and fans in our Moochila programme. I bless all my fans around the world and Fans in the Moochila program ...'To keep their heads above the water ...For the silence river runs deep!!! |
Muchas gracias a Black Prophet & Carmen Wrigth
Por Diego Barreiro