¡Sumate a Moochila!




Midnight Juggernauts - Memorium
Interview in english / Entrevista en Español

1-What are your feelings about the recent new project “Uncanny Valley”?

We're excited, thirsty, cold, perplexed, foolhardy, inspired, and many more adjectives in regards to this new project "Uncanny Valley"

2-Can you tell us about the musicians involved in the record?

It was pretty much just the 3 of us in the band jamming on instruments, however we also did some recording in a church in some small French village with our friend Jono Ma. It was fun to get out and do some writing and recording in a new environment. Though in general it's just the three of us playing with guitars, drums, synthesizers, pedals, gongs, and other toys until music appears.


3-Are you working in a new videoclip? 

Yes we've just finished a new clip which we'll release rather soon. It's a strange one which reflects some personal interests in the evolution of technology.



Adidas presenta Midnight Juggernauts en Argentina!! La banda australiana regresa finalmente a nuestro país con un show que incluirá gran parte sus dos álbumes ya editados (Dystopia, 2007 - The Crystal Axis 2010) y se espera además un adelanto de su nueva producción discográfica "Uncanny Valley".

Los australianos de Midnight Juggernauts finalmente regresan a nuestro país con un potente show que incluirá gran parte de los temas pertenecientes a sus dos exitosos álbumes (Dystopia, 2007 y The Crystal Axis 2010) y un adelanto de su nueva producción discográfica "Uncanny Valley".

El trío conformado por Vincenzi Vendetta, Andrew Szekeres y Daniel Stricker ha logrado reconocimiento internacional con un sonido único que ha sido catalogado como dance progresivo, electro indie, psicodélia pop o música soviética sci-fi y ha sorprendido a fanáticos de todo el mundo con su negativa a someterse a los límites de géneros, convenciones o expectativas.

La banda formada en 2004 comenzó con la edición de los EPs Raised By Wolves y Secretsof the Universe pero fue en el 2006 que logró su popularidad con su single Shadows, difundido principalmente por internet.

En el 2007, editaron Dystopia, su álbum debut que entró directamente al #24 del ranking de ventas australianas y comenzaron una gira mundial que los llevó a presentarse en festivales como: Coachella, Fuji Rock, Glastonbury, Primavera Sound, Latitude, Bestival, Route du Rock, Electric Picnic, Lowlands, Pukkelpop, Lovebox, Summercase, Alive, Montreux Jazz Festival, Eurockeenes y Hove and Rockness.

Al regreso del tour sus integrantes se trasladaron a la costa este australiana con nuevas ideas musicales, de las que surge el segundo disco The Crystal Axis, que los llevó nuevamente de gira por Europa con shows agotados y la participación en: Calvi on the Rocks, Exit Festival, Benicassim, Splendour in the Grass, entre otros.

El próximo 28 de Junio a las 22hs en Niceto club, Midnight Juggernauts, una de las bandas más audazmente independientes, individuales e inventivas de Australia, vuelve a la Argentina.


Entradas anticipadas: $160


·> Boletería Niceto Club (Lu. a Vie. de 12 a 18 hs. SOLO EFECTIVO)
·> TICKETEK (Efectivo y tarjetas de crédito)


2x1 de Club La Nación solo por sistema TICKETEK (cupo limitado)

Más info en la web de Niceto Club: ver


4-How was the recording session of your first and super album Dystopia? We love that record, especially the song and video “Into the Galaxy”, one of our favourites off all the time!

That was recorded on the International Space Station so there wasn't much room to move up there. In the end we had to finish off the thing in a home studio in Melbourne.




5-What do you remember about the cool remix “Hearts on Fire” of Cut Copy? This year Cut Copy come to Argentina (in March) and play in Buenos Aires, it was a fantastic show! Two years ago, we interviewed Cut Copy.

I forgot how that song goes. Could you sing it to me? Argentina is a lovely part of the world to play. I remember the Cutcopy guys saying they enjoyed it over there.

6-And touring now with the greats Tame Impala after 3 years outside playing alive in Melbourne?

Yeah It's been fun playing this tour with Tame Impala. I've enjoyed getting back into playing, however i didn't pack enough luggage when i left home so they had to clothe me on this tour.



7-What changes can you see in the actual music about the digital media and the liberation of tracks via internet? What do you think about Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Ustream and other free media devices?

Yeah I think digital media is great, for exposing music of course. That spread of sound gives people the opportunity to now play further afield, in exotic places such is Buenos Aires, Argentina, or Melbourne, Australia.


8-Can you tell us something about your label Siberia Records?

It's a platform to put out some of our music, as well as a bunch of other interesting acts like Kirin J Callinan and Forces and more. Some creative left of centre sounds. Also Dan has been putting on different Siberia Nights in Tokyo, Paris, Sydney etc. It's a fun melting pot of activities.


9-Do you listen latin electro/pop music?

We're open to all styles, and keen to discover new sounds form out of latin america.

10-What music do you like or recommend of your great city Melbourne?

There's lots of good music from this side of the world like Pikelet, The Night Terrors, Forces, Twerps, Footy, The Shags Experience etc etc.


11-What are your inspirations in the beginning of this 2013?

Good Food, Good Health!


12-What are the best places you have alive show done?

We love playing Japan. Fuji Rock was a lot of fun to play. South America is also one of our favourite place. We would love to return.

13-Maybe a 2013 tour in Argentina?

Actually I think something like this may happen. I'm quite sure we'll step on Argentinian soil soon for 2013!


14-We have one funny question for everybody: What do you have in your bag/backpack (it means “Moochila” in spanish)?

A laptop and some spare chocolate bars. You never know when you may need that extra kick of chocolate energy.


15-We invite MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS to write a few words to your fans in the world and fans in our Moochila programme.

Hello people of the world. Be good to each other, floss daily. Though shalt not kill. Though shalt not covet thy neighbours house. See y'all this year! :)


View the photos of the show in Argentina: click here





Muchas gracias a / Thanks to: Midnight Juggernauts, Marilen, Nicole.


Por Diego Barreiro

